Jimmy LaRose Blog

October 10, 2019

Jimmy LaRose Says, “Real Boards Don’t Fund Raise!”

Jimmy LaRose Says: Here’s what you do. Find fifteen busy community leaders…ask them do 120 hours of free work per year…then ask them to PAY YOU to do the free work (100% Board Giving) after they’ve paid, explain that the work you need them to do is something they have never done, are not good at, and will make them uncomfortable!
September 23, 2019

Jimmy LaRose Book – 100 Best Philanthropy Books of all Time

  Jimmy LaRose continues to turn the nonprofit sector upside down with his second edition of RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY. This week BookAuthority named LaRose’s RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY to their 100 Best Philanthropy Books of All Time ranked at #41. BookAuthority, as featured on CNN, Forbes and Inc identifies and rates the best books in the world based on public mentions, recommendations, ratings and sentiment. (Click on the medallion below TO VIEW THE ENTIRE LIST!)
September 15, 2019

Association of Fundraising Professionals “Kept” Secret – Jimmy LaRose

Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) are what we call an “intermediary organization.” Intermediary organizations are defined as ones that “support the provision of services by another organization rather than providing direct services itself.” Tragically, AFP’s income model is based on members paying dues for the privilege of adhering to their rules, ethical codes and broken regulations (which no longer work!)
May 19, 2018

NANOE Board of Governors 2019 Convention & Expo w Jimmy LaRose

NANOE Board of Governors 2019 Convention & Expo will feature Jimmy LaRose for a second time in Charleston, SC on March 26-27. Jimmy will challenge donors to give charity what they really need…their minds more than their money. When asked, “why speak directly to philanthropists?” LaRose replies, “It’s simple. THEY ARE OUR GREAT RECOURSE! Benefactors, Foundation Execs, Corporate Givers, etc., are uniquely positioned to
March 19, 2018

Does Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) Remind You of the RMS Titanic? – By Redfern II

Bishop Redfern II is Association of Fundraising Professionals Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser, United Way’s Alyce Kemp-Dewitt Award Winner and Presiding Bishop and General Overseer of the Ecumenical Christ of Christ. Have you ever wondered if the RMS Titanic* should be renamed the CFRE Titanic? There is a movement afoot to crucify anyone who asks the question, “Has Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) become obsolete?” The nonprofit establishment has been quick to brand thought-leaders who challenge the value of CFRE as heretics or even worse, as charlatans.
January 2, 2018

InsideCharity.org Debuts New Year’s Day 2018

InsideCharity.org – America’s Trusted Nonprofit News Source debuted on New Year’s Day 2018 at https://InsideCharity.org. InsideCharity.org is curated by a nationwide network of academicians, practitioners and philanthropists who have dedicated their lives to advance the common good.
October 5, 2017

Millions Raised: No Feasibility Studies

Meet Aimee Vance “America’s Super Consultant” Who Raises Millions With No Feasibility Studies – Watch The Video Here Feasibility Studies are a rip-off and the fundraising consultants who discovered chapter six of RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY know it! They’ve been gnashing their teeth about the section carefully titled: Feasibility Studies: The Crack Cocaine of Nonprofit Consulting (It’s simple…THEY’RE UNETHICAL) There are only a handful of nonprofits in the U.S. that could ever benefit from a feasibility study. Don’t let the fundraising consultants deceive you into buying a
July 18, 2017

Charlotte Berry NANOE Governors Nominations Via Nominees Email

Charlotte Berry, affectionately named “America’s Volunteer” by National Association of Nonprofit Organizations and Executives (NANOE) will open this year’s Board of Governors Nominations on Tuesday, August 8, 2017. Berry has generated millions of dollars for thousands of charitable causes through personal donations as well as through her own personal fundraising of public and private funds from others.