
September 12, 2021

Jimmy LaRose Parody – “Food & Water For All”

Jimmy LaRose Parody – “Food & Water For All” is all that you would expect from our favorite nonprofit provocateur.  Jimmy has always held the establishment’s feet to the fire by exposing the absurdity peddled by nonprofit consultants, association networks and industry rags. Now he’s launched an imaginary charity named “Food & Water For All.” See Jimmy meet with his newly formed “board of directors” during their first “Skype Call.”
January 13, 2021

Major Gifts Ramp-Up for Nonprofits

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Is Now Available Nationwide “Major Gifts Ramp-Up is the single greatest virtual conference event I’ve experienced since the start of the pandemic!” ~ Deanna Woodall, YWCA Quad-Cities (Video-Conference with your colleagues to learn how to raise major gifts using virtual technology) VISIT HERE or press GET STARTED below Dear Nonprofit Execs & Colleagues in Service, We know that you have been monitoring the health issues our Nation face as America reopens. THAT’S WHY ALL MAJOR GIFTS RAMP-UP EVENTS WILL BE OFFERED LIVE AND ONLINE. Join your colleagues and interact in our new online conference environment. You’ll be able to interact via VIDEO CONFERENCE with both us and your fellow attendees. Calamities and major downturns in the economy occur every decade.
April 23, 2017

NANOE Board of Governors – Money is Oxygen

When it comes to charity “Money is Oxygen!” Click on the YouTube video above to witness the historic first hour of NANOE’s Board of Governors Convention & Expo live from Columbia’s Metropolitan Convention Center. Hear Bishop Redfern II, Charlotte Lunsford Berry and Jimmy LaRose inspire NANOE Governors to take charity to scale. Here’s what people who attended had to say. Debi Tengler, with Arrow Child & Family Ministries shared, “Really loved the challenge to question the status quo, so grateful to have a voice in the process, and the networking was the most beneficial in my professional career!” Megan Maanao, of the Strickland