NANOE Board of Governors 2019 Convention & Expo will feature Jimmy LaRose for a second time in Charleston, SC on March 26-27.
Jimmy will challenge donors to give charity what they really need…their minds more than their money. When asked, “why speak directly to philanthropists?” LaRose replies, “It’s simple. THEY ARE OUR GREAT RECOURSE! Benefactors, Foundation Execs, Corporate Givers, etc., are uniquely positioned to challenge the existing order of things on behalf of a failed charitable sector. They’ve already worked through many of the problems that have paralyzed nonprofits, and possess the solutions that will set us all free. There are reasons why donors are prosperous and the charitable sector is not. Donors possess a treasure trove of wealth that 501(c)3 organizations urgently require. It’s not their money, it’s not their networks, it’s their experiences in life and enterprise models that have made them a success!”
Jimmy is the author of RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY where he has taken fire for statements like “Money is more important than mission” and “Donors are more important than client causes or people.” When asked about these startling ideas LaRose shares, “The old adage, there are things in life that are more important than money, is about as silly as saying there are things in life that are more important
than air. Money, like air, in and of itself is not very impressive, nor does it give life meaning. However, life has very little meaning…if you can’t breathe! Money is oxygen. Without it, charities asphyxiate, atrophy and fail.”
NANOE Board of Governors 2019 Convention & Expo will also feature Dr. Kathleen Robinson, author of New Guidelines for Tomorrow’s Nonprofit. Robinson will challenge audience members to do whatever it takes to lead their charity to significant impact. NANOE Board of Governors’ Nominations were overseen by Kathleen Robinson & Charlotte Berry. The 2019 Board of Governors will codify for
the public a new set of governing practices that empower nonprofits to build capacity. Dr. Kathleen Robinson will oversee NANOE’s Online Research
Forum and will facilitate the review and reaction of NANOE Governors to the current submission of guidelines in their present form. Governors will contribute to the development of each guideline providing recommendations to refine and improve
new policies that improve nonprofit function.
Here’s a quick overview of all the keynote addresses taking place in Charleston:
Kathleen Robinson | System Shock: New Era Leadership Structures
Dr. Kathleen Robinson, world-renowned thought-leader and author of New Guidelines for Tomorrow’s Nonprofit, will demonstrate why charities have based their governance models on principles that’ve never worked and never will. Kathy will inspire NANOE Governors to transform their organizational structures to gain the competitive advantage they need to solve our world’s biggest challenges.
Jimmy LaRose | Overcoming the House of Org
Jimmy LaRose, Author, Speaker and Nonprofit Provocateur, will teach NANOE Governors how to stop their local United Ways, American Red Cross Chapters & Community Foundations from keeping them poor. Jimmy will reveal the secret to going over, under, around and through the walls of these failed institutions to get the millions of dollars that really belong to you.
Gail Giarratano | The Existential Capacity-Builder
Gail Giarratano, Award Winning Nonprofit CEO and Ted Talker, will explore the fundamental role “caring” plays in driving charities to scale. Gail regards all people and the environment as created and loved by God and will prove that way we treat each other and the earth is the key to eradicating all the problems NANOE Governors have been tasked with solving.
Cathy Parker | Northern Lights: The Motion Picture
Cathy Parker, also known around the world as the “Accidental Fundraiser”, will share her epic tale of raising millions (in only twelve short months) to build a football field above the Arctic Circle for the youth of Barrow Alaska. Her story is the basis for the major motion picture “Northern Lights” now in production and directed by Andy Tenant (Sweet Home Alabama, Hitch, Anna & The King, Ever After) and produced by Honnie Korngold (CineVantage.)
Louis Fawcett | Disrupt or Be Disrupted
Louis Fawcett, NANOE President, will reveal why charity has been paralyzed by a set of failed “best practices” and “ethical codes” that turned the Non-Profit Sector into a Non-Growth Sector decades ago. Louis will inspire NANOE Governors to abandon these current systems and replace them with a new set of enterprise models that inspire heroic missions of scale.
To see Jimmy LaRose’s 2017 NANOE Board of Governors Inaugural address please see below: