Jimmy LaRose writes to philanthropists with one purpose in mind. HIS GOAL IS TO CHARGE DONORS WITH TRANSFORMING NONPROFITS INTO IMPACT ORGANIZATIONS! Here’s what he has to say:
Why write to philanthropists? It’s simple. YOU ARE OUR GREAT RECOURSE! You see, as a benefactor, foundation exec, or corporate giver, you are uniquely positioned to challenge the existing order of things on behalf of a failed charitable sector.
You’ve already worked through many of the problems that have paralyzed nonprofits, and possess the solutions that will set us all free. There are reasons why you’re prosperous and the charitable sector is not. Donors possess a treasure trove of wealth that 501(c)3 organizations urgently require. It’s not your money, it’s not your network…
…it’s your experiences in life and enterprise that’ve made you a success!
Did you hear the one about the executive director of the local charity who was walking down the street and fell into a hole with walls so steep he couldn’t get out? His consultant passes by and the guy shouts up, “Charlie, can you help me out?” The consultant says, “I can help, but it’ll cost you $5,000 dollars.” The guy says, “Fine,” so the consultant gets out his PowerPoint and performs a two hour training, titled, “Five Ways to Get Out of Holes With Steep Walls.” He then asks the guy to remind him where to send the invoice, and moves on. A board member, who he hasn’t heard from in weeks, come along, and the guy shouts up, “Sharon, I’m down in this hole, can you help me out?” The board member says, “Sure, I know this great nonprofit consultant, he’s an expert hole problem solver, I’ll have him give you a call,” and moves on. Then a donor walks by, and the guy shouts up, “Hey Jack, it’s me; can you help me out?” Jack doesn’t say a word, but instead jumps down into the hole. The nonprofit exec says, “What? Why’d you do that? Now we’re both in trouble.” Jack replies, “Yeah, but I’ve been down here before, and I know the way out.”
Jimmy LaRose Writes – Donors are the key. You know the way out!
The nonprofit sector is flaccid, and has been saddled with a century’s worth of wrong-thinking ensuring it’s remained a non-growth sector for nearly fifty years. Department of Commerce statistics demonstrate that charities have been stuck since 1970, hovering right around a GDP growth-rate of 2%. During that same period, philanthropists in the private sector have enjoyed unprecedented financial success, gaining a percentage of world market-share never before seen in the history of man.
Nonprofits falsely believe that more money is the answer to their problems, which is almost as silly as giving a degenerate gambler more chips. The truth is, give the average nonprofit more money, and all you’ll do is keep them in the same cycle of “crazy-making” that’s paralyzed them for decades.
You see, charities need your mind more than your money!
The challenge before us is not to ask you for more dollars, but rather to access the proven experience you possess that, when applied, will lead us out of this wilderness.
Here’s the rub. All too often, you (the donor) are a big part of the problem. Why? Here’s a quote from a millionaire donor who read an earlier draft of RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY. She said, “Jimmy, why is it that every time I walk into a nonprofit board meeting, I ‘check at the door’ all the sound business principles and practices that made me successful in the first place?”
You see, your success is based on the application of principles that the nonprofit sector has never embraced. RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY will reveal why you’ve been hesitant to hold organizations accountable to the same practices that have made you profitable. It will also reveal the ways you can ensure…CHARITIES ARE TRANSFORMED!!!
I discovered early on that, when it comes to philanthropists, money chases after ideas, and that there will always be generous people like you who will amply support a great dream that’s backed by a sound plan.
Tragically, great dreams backed by sound plans rarely present themselves. How long has it been since you’ve been startled by an idea? When’s the last time you discovered a great dream that took your breath away—the type of moment when you were so inspired you had to take a minute, sit down, and consider the beauty of it all?
How long? Well, here we go…
RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY will inspire you to take back control of your charitable giving and use your acumen and abilities to solve multi-billion dollar problems through a re-tooled sector you’ve personally transformed and clothed in immense global power.
The challenges we are about to confront will require us to wade into the muck, mire, and mess of people, process, and product problems (which, historically, don’t respond well to intervention). The origins of these “problems” do not come from one place, but many, and so will the solutions. Our task is to define and integrate these problems’ inherent complexities in a manner that ensures we defeat them.
I was recently interviewed by The Chronicle of Philanthropy and was asked about the state of the nonprofit sector. I simply replied, “It’s ridiculous that we’re not more effective.” The article received a lot of attention, and one disgruntled academician from New York’s Columbia University wrote: “Although it would be nice to see perfect effectiveness at all charities, to state that it is ‘ridiculous that we’re not more effective’ presupposes that Mr. LaRose or anyone else knows just what that elusive ‘effectiveness’ formula is.”
Though I’m sure it will dismay the professor, I’ve discovered his “ELUSIVE EFFECTIVENESS FORMULA” and with your help, will provide charities a prescription to make them whole. I’ve taken twenty-five years to develop, improve, and empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of this formula. I’m pleased to share that the solution revolves around you. This formula will reveal itself by first deconstructing charities’ maladministration of MONEY, MOTIVES, MANAGEMENT, MEANS,
METHODS, & MODELS, leading to the launch of new MOVEMENT.
This “movement” will release nonprofits from the weights that have beset organizations for decades. The clarity of dysfunction I will expose will startle you…motivate you…bring out the best in you…and elicit solutions from you that will set us free.
I look forward to our next conversation.
Jimmy LaRose Writes to Donors Only was authored by Jimmy LaRose born James Paul LaRose in Kingston, NY (September 2, 1967), is recognized around the world as charity’s great 21st Century Champion. LaRose’s work as an entrepreneur, author, fundraiser, speaker and co-founder of NANOE (National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives) has raised hundreds of millions of dollars around the world for people in need. His best-selling book RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY has been named by BookAuthority as one of the 100 Best Philanthropy Books of All Time.
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