Jimmy LaRose – Charity’s Great Truth-Teller – The Jim Eskin Show highlight’s Eskin Fundraising Training’s 2024 Inaugural Nonprofit Podcast featuring Jimmy LaRose inspired colleagues across the Nation to take an honest look at the current state of fundraising and philanthropy. LaRose’s “emperor has no clothes” approach to nonprofit piety and organizational crazy-making was full of humor, insight and wisdom.
Jim Eskin has declared Jimmy LaRose is Charity’s Great Truth-Teller and shared at the end of this session, “This is one of the richest hours I’ve experienced in our 113 podcasts. Thank you, Jimmy, for challenging us and making this a better world.”
Jimmy LaRose celebrates Jim Eskin as an industry thought-leader and counts him as both a important colleague and personal friend!
LaRose is the Co-Founder of NANOE ((National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives) and author of RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY.
Podcast Takeaways:
(1) Money is Oxygen (Money is More Important Than Mission [or Ministry]);
(2) Donors Are More Important Than Your Clients, Issues, Or Cause;
(3) Why Aren’t Donors Included in Your Statement of Mission?
(4) Stop Requiring Your Board to Fundraise (It’s Never Worked, It Never Will);
(5) Stop Allowing Consultants to Lie to You…Feasibility Studies Are a Scam!
Jim Eskin enjoys championing philanthropy and its transforming power to advance non-profits that improve the world through their respective missions. He is passionate about getting others excited about fundraising and empowering them to tap its power to accomplish good works.
Jim launched Eskin Fundraising Training, LLC, in 2018 after 30 years of leadership roles in fundraising, public affairs and communications. He established fundraising records for gifts from individuals at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), Our Lady of the Lake University (OLLU) and Alamo Colleges Foundation.
Over the past two years, he has led more than 100 workshops, partnering with Microsoft, Texas Capital Bank, Catto & Catto and MassMutual South Texas. His webinars reach thousands of non-profit leaders, including both professional and volunteer fundraisers. Guest speakers have included some of the most respected figures in philanthropy and their professions including Harvey Najim, Marsha McCombs Shields, Gordon Hartman, Francisco Cigarroa, Harriet Dominique, Henry Cisneros and Lionel Sosa. Jim’s emphasis is on making training interactive, easy-to-understand and fun — replacing the fear of asking for gifts with comfort and confidence.
He has authored more than 100 guest columns that have appeared in daily newspapers and business journals across the country. He also publishes Stratagems, a monthly e-newsletter exploring timely issues and trends in philanthropy, advocacy, and image. In 2019, he published his first book, 10 Simple Fundraising Lessons.